AQSIQ Nanyang Port: imported wine label parts of Europe failed, was asked at the port to re-correct the label content.
January to August 2014, AQSIQ inspection of imported wine Nanyang ports total 24,000 liters, covering 23 varieties. Overall, imported wines overall quality and stability, but most do not have the original bottle of imported wine label affixed Chinese in origin.
Why labeling issue has become the biggest obstacle to imported wine unqualified?
It is understood that importers of Chinese label correctness does not fully comprehend and execute, for the pursuit of economic efficiency of Chinese labels contradiction that the original wine imported from abroad until all foreign labels seem authentic.

Chinese labels
Fantastic price to be higher. In addition, the foreign shipper normative standard Chinese labels not pay enough attention and did not understand the specific requirements of our wine labels from domestic importers place, causing part of the imported wine label unqualified universal phenomenon.
It is reported that, in recent years, as the domestic wine market to profit from the lucrative return to the rational, domestic consumption has stabilized, importers, distributors distribution power weakened, market saturation remained at a relatively stable level, imported wine will return to steady level.