AQSIQ will be promulgated execution * Imported wine-related terminology translation norms
According to AQSIQ issued in 2013 on the circulation industry standard project plan notice requirement, China CFNA led the drafting of completion of the “imported wine related terms translation norms”.
Feedback amendments was January 10, 2014 to the Department of Market Operation Division, is currently being revised and improved audit stage.
The industry standard is intended to recommend a unified import wine-related terms, “Chinese version”, the name of the Commerce Department will release.
According to sources, the standard is expected to release in 2014, CHINA will use this translation to implement a unified standard.

Implementation of the new standards will effectively regulate imported wine appellation translation-related, also help consumers identify and recognize imported wines.
AQSIQ Association reminds importers pay close attention to the new label standard of legal content.